Give feedback and get a little present!

Ruota con supporto di livellamento

Give feedback and get a little present!

Receive a little gift as a thank you for your feedback

At the end of every year, the time of retrospectives and outlooks comes again, also the time of wishes for the future. We would like to also respond to your personal wishes and needs – especially with regard to our leveling casters.

We want to develop a leveling caster for you that is perfectly tailored to your needs and would therefore like to know from you, which innovative ideas we should incorporate in our future product development. Which requirements would have to be met for a leveling castor to be used in your company? How would a leveling castor have to be designed to further simplify and facilitate your daily work?

We would like to invite you to give us your feedback and thus actively influence the further development of our product range. As a thank-you we will send a small gift for each feedback submitted.

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