Variety of wheels for the innovative Easy-Synchro leveling caster system

Variety of wheels for the innovative Easy-Synchro leveling caster system

Mobility plays an important role in furnishing living and working spaces. The innovative Easy-Synchro lifting system from Sigerist offers a simple and safe way to move pieces of furniture or machinery and equipment. An important component of the system are the wheels, which enable easy mobility.


Installation height of the leveling caster systems: Influenced by the wheels used

The Easy-Synchro leveling caster system is a lifting system that is fitted under the piece of furniture or a machine. There are three different types of the leveling caster system with different installation heights: 158 mm, 175 mm and 205 mm. The minimum installation height is influenced by the size of the wheels used. The casters that are integrated into the leveling caster system play a crucial role in the mobility of the system. There are different types of wheels that can be selected depending on the intended use and floor conditions.


Material of the wheels for leveling caster systems

The wheels can be made of rubber or of plastics such as polyurethane or polyamide. While rubber wheels are suitable for heavier loads or for use on sensitive floors such as parquet or laminate, plastic wheels are used to move lighter loads. The different types of wheels can be adapted according to the needs and use of the piece of furniture. It is important to consider the size and weight of the piece of furniture as well as the floor covering in order to select the right wheel. More detailed information on the choice of wheel covering can also be found here.

The Easy-Synchro leveling caster system from Sigerist offers a flexible and practical way to move furniture easily and safely. The choice of different wheels ensures that the lifting system can be adapted to different requirements and conditions. It is an investment that pays off in many situations and takes furniture mobility to a new level.

Learn more about the Easy-Synchro lifting system now

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